Living with visual impairment can be a challenging experience for both the individual and their loved ones. However, technology has made it possible to bridge the gap and provide assistance for the visually impaired. 

Visually impaired is a term used to describe a range of visual impairments that affect a person’s ability to see clearly. This includes people who are blind or have a significant loss of vision, as well as those with some remaining vision but who still experience difficulty seeing.

Low vision, on the other hand, refers to a specific degree of visual impairment where a person has some remaining vision but it is not sufficient for them to perform everyday activities without assistance. People with low vision often have difficulty reading, recognizing faces, and performing other visual tasks, even with the use of corrective lenses.

Visual impairment and low vision can lead to anxiety, depression, social isolation, reduced self-esteem, fear, and grief. Seeking support, engaging in non-visual activities, and using assistive technologies like the apps mentioned below can help individuals gain independence, reduce psychological challenges, and live fulfilling lives.

Be My Eyes –

This free app connects visually impaired users with sighted volunteers who can assist with tasks such as reading labels or identifying objects. It fosters a community of empathy and support

Lookout –

This free app, developed by Google, uses AI to recognize objects, text, and people around visually impaired users. It can make everyday tasks easier and provide greater independence.

Seeing AI –

Developed by Microsoft, this free app uses AI to describe the world to visually impaired users. It can read text, recognize faces, and identify objects, providing an easier way to navigate the world.

Tap TapSee –

This free app identifies objects using the device’s camera and provides an audio description. It is an easy way to identify objects and surroundings for the visually impaired.

Sullivan+ –

This app has in-app purchases and provides high-quality audio descriptions of the world around the user, including directions, landmarks, and obstacles. It can make navigating unfamiliar environments easier.

Lazarillo GPS –

This free app provides audio guidance for navigating unfamiliar environments, making it particularly useful for getting around in cities or public spaces.

Braille Tutor –

Learning and practicing braille has never been easier with this free app. It is a great way to communicate with the visually impaired community and learn a new language.

SuperSense –

AI for Blind – This app uses AI to identify objects, read text, and describe surroundings for visually impaired users. It is a great way to make everyday tasks easier and more manageable.

Cash Reader –

This app, with in-app purchases, helps visually impaired users identify currency denominations using the device’s camera. It can make managing finances easier and more independent.


These apps can make a big difference in the lives of those who are visually impaired. By providing support, assistance, and greater independence, these apps can help individuals live a more fulfilling life. If you or someone you know is visually impaired, consider downloading one or more of these amazing apps today.